Object Dar't

July 12, 2010

it seems i'm an art pimp

i have been thinking about organizing an artists cooperative in my town. in researching artist cooperatives, i came across a site for an artists' guild in the next town over WHICH by some odd chance happens to have my elementary art teacher as a member who professionally paints watercolor scenes and sells the giclees. hmmph. i was faced with one of my usual adolss (attention deficit oh look something shiny) impulses and decided to send her an email. you know, the usual i just loved you as a kid thing and are you well blah blah. the woman is 74 years old and i have renewed my vow now to be just like her when i grow up! hahahah she said she'd stopped teaching after proposition 2 1/2 and it made me laugh because she was always the kind of woman who did things on her terms. i think men would refer to her as a "difficult woman". me, i just thought she was cool as hell. she asked me about the artists cooperative and so we exchanged an email or two. the next day, a most peculiar thing happened. one of my elementary school friends posted a message onto an FB photo of  one of my paintings. she said she has always wanted to take a watercolor class. hmmph again. i don't believe in coincidences so i emailed my art teacher and asked if she'd be interested in doing a watercolor workshop in my studio. and she wrote back yes. and now there are 3 people who want to take the workshop. and it just occured to me in writing all the "back n forths" that OMG i'm an art pimp for gawd's sake!

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